Cox Communications

Design mockups for an unsuccessful pitch

Life’s Better When People are Connected
Cox Communication approached us to help launch a new low usage mobile plan. In the midst of the pandemic, we wanted to tell stories of human connection, made possible through moments of connectivity. That no matter how small a gesture, connectivity is what helps us stay hopeful.

Web Design, User Experience Design, Prototyping

Team Members
Jeanette Arnado – Designer
Andrew Bouchie – Creative Director

Telecommunications, Smart Devices

March 2021

Building Bridges
By leveraging the brand position that life’s better when people feel connected, we used the iris as a graphic representation for wifi as well as a focus on human connections. We initially highlighted the warmth and comfort of human connections with tightly cropped visuals. But it was only after users scrolled down the page that we revealed the bigger picture. That Cox was what helped made this connection possible.

Overcoming Initial Inertia
Beyond simply reaching out to the emotional side of the consumer, one of biggest hurdles that we uncovered during the discovery process was that because of the way mobile plans were bundled by ISPs, switching Providers can often be a very demanding process. We needed to convince people that Cox meets their needs of a seamlessly hyper-connected lifestyle beyond serving simply as a Mobile Service Provider.

We wanted to develop tools which visualised the amount of potential savings and recommended data plans which best suited their lifestyles. We also posed solutions to the most complained about pain points online and show how Cox actively provides solutions.

Visualising what each aspect of their lifestyle meant in terms of data consumption helps the user make a more informed decision.

By posing questions about current pain points throughout the website, we also allowed Cox to gain valuable insight into what motivates the target audience.

Showcasing the Ecosystem
We also showed how these Modules could work for their other offerings and subpages. By using a more conversational and friendly tone of voice, we sought to help users understand what life in a fully integrated Cox environment could look like.