Suffolk Construction
Reframing the conversation around the process of construction
Proving impossible wrong
Suffolk Construction is a front-runner within the Construction industry, leading the charge in innovation and technology. However, outsiders sometimes fail to see how they stand out from the rest of the competition.
By visualizing the technical ingenuity that goes into each of their buildings, we educated the target audience on how Suffolk overcame the many obstacles they faced which were once thought impossible.
Web Design, User Experience Design, Content Strategy, Animation
Team Members
Jeanette Arnado – Designer
David Ross – UX Design
Caroline Casas – UX Design
Andrew Bouchie – Creative Director
Construction, Innovation
Sept – Dec 21’

Comprehending the impossible
The narrative was made more engaging by making the people and the technology the main hero in Suffolk’s stories. By minimising technical jargon and painstakingly explaining their unique problem–solving process, we helped Suffolk build content which reached an audience beyond the confines of the industry. The audience had to understand why it was impossible before they could be impressed by the solutions that Suffolk achieved.

Showing the human side of construction
In an industry that usually focuses on an industrial scale, we instead highlighted the individual contributions of each employee. By breaking down the projects to a more human perspective, We could tell more personal and relatable stories
This also gave individuals more ownership of the projects they led. It had the unexpected outcome of helping with the recruitment process and talent retention within the organization.
Interactive elements such as 360° videos and flow charts helped break down the complicated design process into easily understandable steps. It also allowed users to play with the 3D models and learn about the projects beyond simply reading.
Voiced–over narration allowed users to focus on the imagery and gave the site a more personal and conversational feel. It also gave each project a unique fingerprint as you heard from the individuals who worked on each aspect of the buildings.

We also never forgot to end each project on a Macro scale because there’s still something awe-inspiring about seeing a building take shape against the sunlit horizon. By highlighting accolades, quick facts, and building times lapses, we wanted our audience to leave each case study of scale.

Ultimately, one needs to understand the scale and the impossibility of a project before one can appreciate the dedication that goes into its construction. By breaking down Suffolk’s complex construction process to a more human scale, we helped their audience wrap their minds around how Suffolk has managed to prove impossible wrong throughout the years.